Tuesday, August 26

schizo blog

reading around my blogging community is making me realise that Im all over the shop. Im a bit of this and a bit of that and im getting a bit concerned at my lack of focus, my ante-specialisation. Im not a faux-chef or crafter but i love foodie and crafty blogs; my slick pic fix, i love kitchen gardening and green blogs but im not a full time writer 'bout either of those, im not exclusively a mummy blogger, a profession blogger or even a blogger blogger. So , if you turn up here hoping for one thing or another and find something else, just click out on the blog roll and try me again tomorrow.


emmani said...

Hi Kel,

I was just thinking the same about myself! But then I asked myself, who is my blog for really? Well it's for me, isn't it? Am I out to get "traffic"? Write a book? Change the world? Those things will come if they are meant to be...

Like you say most blogs have a focus just like a specialist magazine, but our blogs are just a journal into the life of someone. But they do have direction... It's all the same focus really, you're on a path to happiness and along the way you have picked up some wonderful friends, who like to hear about what you're up to. It's more like a Marie Claire or Cosmopolitan...

Some fun, some news, some info, some recipes, some serious stuff... Anyway I'm here and I'm certainly interested in what you have to say!

How can you be focused with so much to do in your life!? Your a busy lady...

Take care and keep rambling!

Anonymous said...

True Kel. I was just going to put you on my blogroll and I don't know which category to stick you in....

pipnvik said...

Eclectic is good. !!!
Scatterbrain your not. !!!

Admit it Kel your just "Versatile".

Great to see life back in perspectve.

keep smiling.......

Ren said...

What is a "blogger blogger"? And is there such a thing as a non-blogger blogger who doesn't blog?

Unknown said...

kel, the reason I keep coming back for more is because of the forrest gump factor. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get!


Kelly said...

LOL. thanks all, i will just keep forging ahead in my Gumpy but very versatile Cosmo way then ;-)
Ren, Blogger blogger, noun + verb, ( or is it adjective and adverb, god, my technical grammar is non existent, blogging about Blogger and a non blogging blogger who doesnt blog might be a lurker!

Ren said...

Heck if I know. I'm not from your country... I'm from Texas. English is optional there.

Kelly said...

LOL..yup, i once dated a guy from Calhoun..he just mumbled 'yes maam' all the time and Gav , were you choking on a chocolate or did you do a typo on your name?

Hello, how are you?

Hello. It's been a while. 5 years. Where did that time go? Reflecting back, I can't remember why I stopped blogging. Perhaps l...