I've been busy the last few days. Busy unwinding, really unwinding, from the tight coil that was me trying to get my thesis done by Christmas. It took a few days to unfurl, to drop the physical and emotional stress I had been carrying, which had been propelling me along. Its been beautiful, this time at home. I've mostly spent my time playing in the garden, the girls too, the weather has been just perfect for outdoors. We have spent most of our days sitting in the creek, above the creek, beside the creek, listening to the waterfalls and indulging the Boybean in his favourite new pastine; rock tossing. Plonk.
I havent been out in public since I finished. We've been living off food from the garden, Christmas leftovers and pantry staples. We've been playing games, cooking together, doing hours of Lego building and watering the vegetables. Life is good this week.
What a beautiful photo....it is a lovely week to absorb what is around us before the rush of new year isn't it!
That is such a nice photo.
Yes we have been enjoying this time of great weather and slower/relaxed pace. Hope it takes a while for it to go back to normal. This is good.
Congrats on the hand in. Considering what you have achieve you deserve as much downtime as being a mother can give you.
Kind Regards
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