Saturday, April 25

Liquid Gold

its pouring. sheeting down. not so unusual for some states but for here, this weather is more like that of the east coast. Thick heavy drops and tonnes of it. Hours of it, days of it. Im reckoning the tanks will be full. Too wet to do anything outside. What a great excuse for:

apple pancakes for brunch
a fire on early
baking bread
a game with the girls while the beans asleep
and a warm baked dinner

i love these days. Bunkered down in the warm with a beautiful view of outside where the trees are autumnal and the water is coursing down the creek. Well actually now its almost breaking the banks and the island is almost completely under and the bloke is out there making sure we dont lose a bridge.

hehe. excuse satisfied ear bursting exclamations of small person enjoying apple pancake and kitchen sounds!


Kerrie said...

Wow, that's some rain you are having. I'm a little envious actually. We have had many cooler days but this weekend has 30 degrees forecast both days.

I miss the transition of the seasons here, it happens but it's more subtle. The wood heater got a great workout last Winter and should again this year, true Winter only lasts about 6 weeks or so though.

Sounds like a gentle, happy, family home day's kind of like that here too, we're all just pottering.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, our tank runneth over, and everyone in town is grinning while wearing brand new raincoats.

I found a big bag of wooden beads at a garage sale this morning (a broken car seat cover I think) so the kid played with them most of the afternoon in front of the heater.

Minni Mum said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely. The only think better than hunkering down on a wet day, is hunkering down with that view! That's one awesome backyard.

Barbara said...

Isn't it great! We were away in
NSW for a week and came back to
a soaking wet garden and full
tanks. Hope it lasts!

Kelly said...

kerrie - 30 degrees sounds glorious. Exercising in cold weather requires a LOT more motivation. Saeson change is very rhythmical nad quite balancing. I miss it too when im elsewhere. Love a pottering day...

kate- runneth over =rejoice! Sounds like everyone Sth was enjoying a cozy home day.

Julie- lovely lovely lovely indeed. and quite productive! the only thing i didnt manage was some drawing as Bean only slept HALF an hour! The view keeps us home! we hardly ever go out for coffee n stuff!

Barbara - what a wonderful welcome. Hurrah weve had at least one more day of it!

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