Tuesday, July 22
back into it
so here i am , blogging when i should be working on my PhD. I made a promise to myself over the weekend gone, that come school term starting (today) i would pick up the task of finishing my PhD. Part of me resists and goes ' bugga off- im on maternity leave and i just want to chill and enjoy this unique time' and the rational part of me says 'you'll relax and enjoy life more with this monkey off your back'. Ive chosen to get rid of the monkey. Realistically, Ive not that much more to do, the bulk of it is done. My methods and results chapters are well edited, my lit review needs about 3 days of polishing and I need to start work on developing the discussion. 2 hours a day is what i am aiming for and if the weather keeps on being so disgusting it shouldnt be a problem. I just need some discipline (some enthusiasm might help). Im a little over the rational/scientific. I just want to be emotional and flighty for a while longer. After 13 years of workin, studying and single parenting i just really want to ree-lax for a while and enjoy this time. Dig in the garden, play with the boy, potter in the kitchen, be silly with the girls, sit back with some music and a bottle of wine with my man and chat. Ugh, Ok, Im off, one page at a time...wish me luck!
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Hello, how are you?
Hello. It's been a while. 5 years. Where did that time go? Reflecting back, I can't remember why I stopped blogging. Perhaps l...

Camellia sinensis is the common 'tea' camellia but we dont have any of those, we have japonica and sasanquas. Why cant these be used...
I spent quite a bit of yesterday standing at the stove stirring. I had a craving for fruit paste and blue cheese so i set about to make some...
Just like angry chickens, only...different. Im an alpha male woman. I can pong when the going gets tough. its not nice. I used to hate '...
Oh boy, I really should be doing what you're donig. I've written all my chapter and done about 1 revision each. I still need to do one more big overhaul on each one, then do a final grammar/typo/citation edit. And I need to get that all done w/in about 2 months or less, in order to give my readers enough time with the manuscript! Ack...
but I know I'd enjoy life better without this hanging over me in the background.
ps--if you ever need someone to check in with you and nag you about getting your work done, I'll volunteer! (and vice-versa too, LOL)
its a deal Rixa. shall i just pop up and terrify you in random posts? LOL
Yes, please do that, like you just did! I think I need to have some sort of reward system: maybe $1 for every day that I meet my goals? Then I can go shopping after I defend. I am usually not at all the shopping type--my husband has to drag me into stores and beg me to buy new clothes--so it would be extra fun.
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