Wednesday, November 11

Green homework proves tricky

One of the core topics at B1s progressive science based public high school for this year has been Sustainable Futures. pretty self explanatory really; they cover all things Green from a multitude of perspectives. She's enjoyed it, especially their mock Earth Summit, run by the kids for a whole day, complete with world leaders, environmental advisers, water jugs on tables, UN chief and delegates and messenger runners between delegate tables. It was the highlight of her school year. On the downside was her major project on sustainable homes. The assumption behind this project was that your home was not set up or managed sustainably. B1 struggled constatntly... 'umm, excuse me sir, we have solar hot water heating, we already harvest our rain water into large water tanks, we do grow our own fruit and vegetables, we have composting and recycling systems, we have PV solar to generate power, we do use wind generated electricity when we need to, our house is passive solar designed, we dont have aircon and heating systems' get the picture. B1 was a complete headache for her teacher! Funniest part was he gave up and said well take your Grandmas house and use it to model your projections...

Hopefully one day its her whole class proving a headache...


belinda said...


Yeah, here's to more headaches in sustainability class.

That said I think the teacher copped out on this one. There are always things that can be improved in almost any household.. and honestly coming to grips with the problem identification and solving techniques is more of a learning experience than applying cookie cutter solutions to "normal problems". Sure her end numbers wouldn't have been as startlingly different at the end.. but it is important to communicate that the low hanging fruit isn't the only stuff that garners improvements.

Kind Regards

Veggie Gnome said...

This totally proves B2's point - why can't you be normal? LOL

*said totally tongue in cheek* but I'm sure you know that. :)

elburro said...

You must have felt so proud....and justifiably so....

Kelly said...

belinda- yeas, may they come along quickly and a good teacher you would be!

veggie- i know!

elburro- a bit embarrassed at first! and then b1 was just peeved that we werent normal so as to make her school days easier!

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