of a rather personal kind.
Its the chance for a bit of end of year recieving for you or your beloved. If you've been meaning to try a menstrual cup and havent quite got around to it yet, are sorta kinda interested but dont really want to 'risk' the investment, think its a great idea and you think you should try it or your partner might want to give it a go, now is your chance for a possible freebee! Its a Diva Cup giveaway just coz Im so enamoured with these incredible things and I want to share, not to mention the reduction in waste. The freedom of them I just cant really begin to describe No thoughts EVER about having tampons in the house, in your bag or in your purse. Imagine that. Never ever. No stress. Its like being a kid all over again. No more being dependent on a shop for your needs, especially if you're like me and really dont like pads and so home made lovelies are out of the question. No more remembering! All you need to do is make a comment on something relevant to your desire for one and I will draw a winner from all entries next week. I do ask that if you're already using one and want to enter, then the prize should be passed to someone who doesnt already own one. Relevant size i will only ask of the winner! Fire away readers, pass comment for the first time or the five hundredth.
Sunday, November 22
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Great idea Kel!
But the need is behind me I suspect, my dear.
It's a great giveaway. I have one already and I love it for all the reasons you mentioned.
I'd love to give it a try Kel, it is one of those things I have been meaning to get around to but haven't as yet. I'd love it for all of the reasons you mentioned as well as for the outrageous cost of pads & tampons.
So, count me in...!!!
I tend to have days and days of bleeding, and a lot of it is more spotting than bleeding. I wonder if it would work for that too? I hate having to use some sort of product for almost half my cycle. Well, not at the moment, since I"m nursing and my period isn't back yet...but when it comes back I definitely want to try one!
I have arrived at the last packet of my sister's supplies (she's been dead for four years, she really liked to make sure she'd never ever run out, even considering I've had a pregnancy and breastfeeding, that's a lot of supplies). Anyway, this is the point where I said I'd invest in something that doesn't involve waste, and it would be really really handy if the investment part was taken care of.
I love the idea of not ever having to buy tampons or pads again. I especially would appreciate this on those occasional nights when I'm caught out with nothing on hand and have to resort to rolled up toilet paper in my undies until I can send the hubster to the shops in the morning! LOL
Yup Kel I am one of those women who has been looking at these devises for YEARS but keep putting it off. Will it work... will it annoy me... will I regret this... Maybe this post is meant to be - time I gave it a go...
Kel, this is a fabulous give-a-way! As you know, I have one already on your spledid recommendation...thank you for saving me oodles of money and for encouraging me to enjoy the happy place of not visting THAT isle in the supermarket ever again! I LOVE walking past the tampon section and gloating "nope... dont need to buy YOU ever again"
i have been putting it off too, i would love to win one.
PS i've only recently started reading your blog & it is so inspiring. my bamboo toothbrushes arrived today (after reading your post about them) & i can't wait to try them out!
I would like one because I got my period today and I'm feeling shitty!
Count me in - I have a very bizarre cycle so it will definately help as I am so scatter brained I always get caught short - and of course would love to do something green ... xx
Heh, you know how women living together start sharing a cycle? Well it looks like blogging together does the same thing Zoe!
i have been a quiet reader of your blog for a while now.. i'm not really entering your giveaway, as i don't think i'm deserving, since i haven't commented here before, but i have a question... is there anywhere in Australia you can purchase these cups? i've read quite a bit about them and am almost ready to take the next step and buy one, but i'd love to be able to purchase them locally. thanking you.
yay youse! if only i had more to give away.. thanks for all your comments, i loved reading them. Women are a fab mob dontcha reckon? and Jaime, you're in, giveaways are designed to 'de-lurk'- nothing undeserving about delurking or even lurking!
Still oopen , will draw next sunday.
jaime - i didnt asnwer your question in my haste to reassure you that you are very deserving. I have purchased them on ebay from Australian distributor. I have read someowhere that they are stilll undergoing Theraputic goods paperwork or suchlike...so not readily available here but if you goodgle menstrual cup australia you may find some. but wait until next week at least or you may find yourslef with two!
I've been meaning to try/use one of these for ages now but have been pregnant or breastfeeding for the last few years! Thanks for the reminder to get one before it all starts up again!
Thankyou Kelly, i'll be having a buzz around eBay..i guessed i'd have to hop on that train eventually :)
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