it was a nice slow start. we all lounged in the sunshine on our bed and played with the boy and had morning coffee. heaven.
then we mooched, i made another lemon cake, simon finished off the bridge over the creek, B1 vacuumed the house, dusted downstairs, polished mirrors and B2 attempted to clean her room for the 5th day in a row. i felt very satisfied with everyone busy contributing to managing the house. it was a cruisy, balmy mood. friends came over, we ate, we talked, we walked, we sat on the lawn among the daisys, the kids played. i planted out the corn seeds, roma tomato, some more parsnip and watched the bush beans grow. literally. it blew me away.

we finished the day with a salad from the garden and a late evening walk; the first one with all 5 of us, i stood back and had a moment.
Sounds like you had a great day Kel. Are those photos of the beans taken all on the same day? If so, they are amazing!
hi gav. yup, pics all on same day, thats what was so amazing. the speed at which the shot up and out. amazing.
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