Ok. so now I have an ABN (Australian Business Number), i have a trade name, i have a business plan (sort of) and I have a wholesaler for my very very favourite soft and filmy produce bags who can supply me at a reasonable price. The bags are made from certified organic cotton and are certified fair trade, made by a collective of women in a village in India. So now its all freaking me out. Between getting my thesis done, blogging, family, research, the garden and all, Im about to start importing and become a sole trader and all that's associated. Life is nuts sometimes. Watch this space.
*and now a registered web domain-whoohoo
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So, what kind of advice would you like? *LOL*
Go for it!
Aha! Hence your question the other time 'bout buying these bags.
I'm sure organic shops would be interested in stocking these bags for their customers. You might even convince some of the smaller (or shock! horror! the bigger) supermarkets to sell these bags. Are you going to sell online? That might be a good venue.
Good luck!
That was fast work. Selling online could be a good idea, not too much in the way of overheads. You will have to beat the feet and go round all the organic shops, maybe set up a stall at all the farmer's markets, or at Stirling. I think you will have to get out there and let people see the product. You might have to make up flyers and business cards.
yes yes yes to all said above. that actually encompasses exactly the approach im planning...its F.U.N ( so far) enjoying very much the planning
If you want to sell online make sure your website is professional looking (and actually professional, it's not all about the looks!) and standards compliant. Don't give any money to a web developer who can't speak knowledgably about web standards. If your website isn't standards compliant no one will find you on google (and blind people wont be able to access your site with a screen reader).
You'll also need to talk to your bank about your set up, so that you can accept credit cards & eftpos. You might want to use bigcartel or paypal or something initially, rather than deal directly with your bank for online sales.
Never underestimate the possibility of paying your teen and preteen to pack & ship orders!
You can get so much presence via internet-based marketing on blogs, FB, Twitter, etc. Giveaways are a great way to raise awareness about your product and generate interest/buzz...and it only costs you a few free gas & shipping to do so! Would you be interested in shipping overseas? I'd be happy to help coordinate a group of people in my area so we can put in a bigger order and save on shipping. Cool idea!
Woo hoo! Way cool Kel :-) Hell, I'll even buy some, just because it's from *you* ;-) Good luck!
P.S. Don't forget to do a cool graphic logo so that I can put a link to your shop in my sidebar ;-)
The best advice - Keep having fun! I love these bags. Wasn't your middle bean looking for work? Maybe she could help.
marvelous kel, you're a wonder woman...
can't give you any advice because i'm a bit useless compared to you!
good luck! x
I'll buy some - just make the
website user friendly since
I'm such a Luddite!
So....you've found a hobby to fill your (cough) spare time.
Have a good time. I'll see you in September and buy some.
ICG - thank you for such educated advice, all taken on board, some fitting in with where i was thinking. AS for including the bean..brilliant!
Rixa- thanks for your support, i shall definitely let you know when i get it all up and running and your group can place an order!
Julie- *fanks mate* coming from a super sewer like yourself, thats an honour! , as for the super cool logo..i will have a logo, hopefully its supercool! lol
kale- sage advice and with these bags i think its all about the falling in love component, i wouldnt have believed it was possible myself if i hadnt used one.
emma- thanks for the vote of confidence and as for the self flagellation...*spank spank*
barbara- i shall make sure just for you!
laura jane- *cough* yes, just what i needed...problem is the timeing feels just right..not sure quite what that says about me...
thanks everyone for your wonderful support. It feels good.
Hi Kel
Foodland sells some more expensive green bags that are great- made out of jute, so perhaps approach them? I think also good for schools fundraisers- Eden HIlls does the 'straberry trail' every second year and use canvas bags- cannot see why could they not use yours?
annuska- i was thinking that school fundraisers would be perfect too! snap! i will do a supermarket tout in the process- that'ss be interesting!
Hey, there is some reat advice up above me, so just wanted to add my support! Really like the idea. I'd love 10 straight up! Oh: it might be worth getting the storeholders at the Goodwoood Farmer's market to sell them. (The apple stall always has enormous queues from memory, and they go through lots and lots of the placcy bags). If they had yours as an option, Im SURE some people would see the value of reuse.
thanks jen. im sure you will be bored with le bags by the time the hols are over!
Hi Kel
If you go for the on line selling thingy, let me know as I have been doing a bit of research on that to sell our publications...I can send it to you!
annuska- send it on! yes please.
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