we've had some pretty foul weather these last few days and yesterday heavy rain, hail and frost were all expected. I'd even heard rumours of overnight snow and its raining heavily and hailing again. Great for the reservoirs and the water tanks but not such good news for all the tender seedlings that I had moved out into the vege beds in great faith this early in the season. Hail is definitely a new tomato killer, all that ice on the ground forms a lovely layer of frozen air and kills them off, just like frost. Panic! Bugger. Damn. Fowlers no.31 preserving jars to the rescue! These makeshift emergency cloches kept the seedlings toasty warm overnight and i slept through the hail and storm and sit here listening to the lovely sound of water rushing everywhere secure in the knowledge that these early outers were safe. Hoping the peas and beans survived the night.

* Im so so glad i did this. More hail came bucketing down a few hours after i posted. It was pretty decent stuff.
What a wonderful idea.
I will have to remember that one for when my germinating tomatoes graduate into the ground. You have also inspired me to get an early start on my zucchini and squash, they won't stay that size for long but it should give them the extra heat needed for germination.
Ug, don't remind me. We're in the northern hemisphere so opposite of you guys but I remember those days from last March and April. I used some very similar "cloches." Hope everything survived.
I just cut the bottom of plastic tonic water bottles and put them over the top. They've saved tender seedlings and herbs all through the Tassie winter.
However, it has given away my secret delight in gin and tonic!
great idea, although i don't know if i could use my vacola bottles.... we're keeping the frost tender stuff in a mini greenhouse under the eaves until late October / early November when our frosts should be over xx
belinda- glad you can use it! yes, october is nearly here so it should all be safe
greenbean-so far so good. Nothing dead or looking almost dead. they come off today; the sun shines.
jan- yes, i used to use plastic bottles waay back when. Sometimes they blew away if i hadnt buried them well enough but they are very useful, just pel the label then no one can tell!
naturewitch-invention borne of necessity! im sure you would if you had no greenhouse. Next year we will have a lovely seedling box. Cant wait. Canberra spring is still uber chilly!
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