I don't buy many processed foods and if I do its certainly not on a regular occasion. Canned/bottled/wrapped goods tends to be 'unmake-able' sauces/condiments like mushroom sauce/oyster sauce (the organic stuff! not the chemical goop from China) , canned coconut milk and tomatoes and beans, cellophane/glass noodles and sometimes tofu. Processed breakfast food is something not found here at Chez Pan. Its bulk muesli or porridge for cereal, smoothies or fruit salad. Alternatively a lazy breakfast is sourdough toast with local honey, fresh pressed cashew or peanut butter, local or home-made jam/marmalade, weekends can be tomato and basil or eggs with my home made chorizo sausage. The only processed spread we buy is Promite (like Vegemite but not as salty); full of sugar and salt and un-guaranteed GE free, but an addiction which goes with my butter. I keep meaning to buy some Aussie Mite ( made here in the Adelaide Hills!) but I suspect its made for the Vegemite lovers, and I loathe Vegemite so I haven't got around to buying a jar as no-one else here likes it either.
So I got sucked in by the packaging of the raw chocolate coconut butter! Earthy and wholesome. I was in the mood for splurging and I had a houseful of kids sleeping over and wanted to try a kid friendly but 'not all the way from Canada' alternative to maple syrup. It's a bit like eating a chocolate crackle with your toast - disconcerting but not too awful. Raw cocoa, fairly traded, single origin, sweetened with agave and certified organic. Its a product of Oz (Vic) but probably not Australian sourced raw ingredients. Fat content 4.0/100g and sugar 2.0/100g so pretty reasonable. Buying fruit and veg and nuts and cheese is as exciting as our weekly shop tends to be, this added a moment of sweetness.
Yum! Where do you get it from?
Wow that's amazing, I have tried so hard to get my kids to convert to the kinds of breakfast foods you mentioned but they rebel all the time. Yesterday I found a box of Frosties in the pantry - how disgusting is that, on every level. Teen 1 and her friend were acting as if they were drunk - I'm sure it was all that sugar.
Did you start when they were very young, I must have left it too late to influence them.
I have heard that stuff is pretty awesome. Admittedly it was being eaten off a spoon as desert rather than spread on bread.
Kind Regards
var word = desserst
katy- from the Organic Market in Stirling but I have seen it in Goodies and Grains.
greenfum- ahh, Im a food nazi- i just dont buy that stuff so there's no choice- go hungry or eat whats here! lol.I have found that a fruit salad ready to go in the fridge is irresistable. ANt they have come to realise that that yummy sourdough tastes heaps better than the feathery crap (although the sandwich maker doenst like it!) Lack of access is my key but you are right, i started them liek this right from when they astarted eating.
belinda- yeah- makes a decent fondue i hear!
ps- Frosties - EEEEK! lol and belinda- forgot to say awesome on the word veri!
I am considered to be a food nazi too, my kids sneak out and buy their own crap!
Hi Kelly,
Hope I'm not telling you anything new, but from what I have read lately, "Product of Australia" means that all of the ingredients are grown here and it is made here as well. It is the "Made in Australia" label we should be wary of because even though it is manufactured here, it is usually imported food.
Keep up the great work!
Gav x
belinda- no power once they have fiscal control! lol
gav- yeah, thats what I thought but i hadnt heard about Oz prducing cacao beans..so i wondered.. might google the company.
That brand makes the best organic cocoa that I've found too. It's raw and tastes great in my baking - where other organic cocoas have not been as good.
lovely blog - thanks for sharing!
This looks so good! I will need to keep my eye out for it. I have very similar processed vices to you, but it's a good start. I could never ever take vegemite away from my husband though, he'd lose the plot. Thanks for your kind words about BF at my place- very helpful and spoken form the heart and from experience- love that. xo m.
amy - hi, welcome to Chez Pan and yes they do! it smells the best!
ecoMILF- hI TOO!, pleasure. tough call that one! hope its resolve.
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