I have read somewhere that blogging drops off in the month of january. If thats true then I've got about a day and a bit to get mah mojo back! (or are we in a leap year? or do leap years only relate to Febuary, "30 days have September, April, June and November all the rest..." its Febuary, oh great! leap years relate to Febuary, Ive got 2 days !
Not much happenning at Chez Pan, well actually there's heaps but nothing supremely interesting, well nothing I can make interesting anyway. If you're good you can make watching a sloth interesting...Im not that good.
Lots of Food Connect meetings have gone down- i live and breathe Food Connect these days. We launch in March and if you ever thought that getting a fresh food distribution system up and running was easy...go stick your head in a toilet. Sounds easy really doesnt it? Source farmers, get some customers, take food from farmer to customer, et viola! Nup. Its been a long slow haul for the founders. Consider too that the organic market in adelaide is small and tight and arelatively closed business for many years...
I had a perilous public transport moment that felt emotionally akin to a kinergarten experience of not making it to the toilet and weeing on my seat. My weekly bus trips to and from work had been coming along quite swimmingly (Im averaging a book a week now) until my fruit salad container decided to explode on the trip home. I had accidently left it on my windowsill over night and by hometime the next day the few pieces of pineapple and melon and juices that and been languishing in there had obviously fermented nicely in the sun. I tossed my bag on the seat, the container made a huge bang and the lid flew off and its contents spilled through my sring bag and all over the velvety bus set in a lovely yeasty sodden vomity mess. Note to self. Must get lunch sack. The back of the bus smelt like a small kid in a school yard. I slinked off (should it be 'slunk', never sure)the bus after deciding to leave the bits of fruit on the seat to warn any unsuspecting travellers away from a sodden seat. Was that wrong? Oh the guilt.
I learnt that my new alltime favourite writer of my new alltime favourite books Stieg Larson (Girl with the dragon tattoo) died leaving his partner Eva of 30 years without benefit, coz in Sweden they dont recognise de facto relationships when it come to inheritance(I thought Sweden was progressive?) and his estranged father and brother inherited his fortune (which was realised ony after his death and they even got the house she and stieg lived in for 20 years!!). The saga is a novel in itself and the fourth and fifth unpublished manuscripts following from his 'trilogy' remain so until the legal wrangling ends.
I finished writing up an abstract for a conference presentation. After many revisions between my Prof and I, it now looks absoloutely nothing like the piece nor story I started with and should provide the foundation for an absoloutely riveting 10 minute talk in Barcelona. Yes folks, all that way for 10 minutes work! Catalanian cuisine, tapas, champagne and mojito's are drawing me forth. I promise to offset double, OK? (heck, I shouldnt have told you!) Whaddaya do? forfeit your career? Probably the greenest thing to do. Someone else will just step in and fill my place...its a dilemma....
The boybean has been picking any tomato that has a hint of red so we have been a little bereft of tomaotoes around here, thank god for green zebras! haha! and thank god he's not interested in zucchini plant wrangling as I am planning on a zucchini themed weekend. Stay tuned for exciting marrow creations and pics.
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Hello, how are you?
Hello. It's been a while. 5 years. Where did that time go? Reflecting back, I can't remember why I stopped blogging. Perhaps l...

Camellia sinensis is the common 'tea' camellia but we dont have any of those, we have japonica and sasanquas. Why cant these be used...
I spent quite a bit of yesterday standing at the stove stirring. I had a craving for fruit paste and blue cheese so i set about to make some...
Just like angry chickens, only...different. Im an alpha male woman. I can pong when the going gets tough. its not nice. I used to hate '...
Oh dear, I still carry a wadful of napkins in my handbag as a hangover of having little kids, but geez, the fermented pineapple smell would be just lurvely lol.
I haven't had a single zuke yet this season (and I have three plants in) - and I must say, I haven't missed them at all! The kids literally gagged each time I picked a zuke last season, so perhaps having a year off is a good thing!
for goodness sake, go to Barcelona. make good by planting trees instead of buying offsets [they're only pieces of paper].
and have fun
I think you have probably done enough to offset Barcelona many times over. And I reckon you can make a trip to the dentist sound interesting.
Our Food Connect is launching February 6th and I am going to be one of the first City Cousins I think - exciting eh!
julie- th ebean is such a non chucker, i never have! would have come in handy that day! ick. zucchini recipes forthcoming to whet your appetite
iNdi@- i annoy myself with all my wonderings! now you too! trees i can do. barthelona here i come. i cant wait.
greenfumd- aww thanks. Great news re CC; it should be reallly exciting, Im looking forward to being a CC too- its such a great idea. Go you!
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