These lovelies have arrived, ready for my approval and signing of a contract. Soft, unbleached, reclaimed organic cotton worked into a useful produce bag for all those who dont have the where-with-all or nouse to make them themselves. I like these so much more than the plastic net bags. Something pure to house your market treasures.
I cant describe the pleasure at finally being at this stage of this wee little dream. But stay tuned, more types of bags to come!
Goody, we'll be able to order soon, I'm wanting some for myself and for some presents.
I have some very similar from Nicole at Going Green, I just love them BUT shop assistants get quite stressed by them. They don't like not being able to see what's inside and they often want to take out the produce to weigh it. I always tell them I would rather pay for the extra weight than take a plastic bag.
Good for you. The bags look beautiful! I've been using my bags for a couple years now and they're still going strong. These things last. The only reason I buy more is I keep giving them away.
send some samples our way!!!
pip- hiya! - will let all n sundry know when my online stores is up an running- opefully only 10 weeks away!
greenfumb- they need to get used to it! lol- i have some net organic cotton bags arriving soon! solves that problem!
sarah - YESSS!
katrina- yes tey are lovely but not as lovely as 'our faves' which ar ein production. i source dtheexact same supplier as th eones from marin. yippee!
roseypekin - i certainly will- biome stores in brisbane is interested in becoming a retailer too!
i have some sticky keys...
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