Wednesday, March 3


Oh, its dull around here in the brain at Chez Pan. Im busy n all but its all work and no play. Im having fun but its a bit like boot camp; painfully bearable. I need rewards to lure me through the hazy days and endless nights of internet and computer work that my life seems to have become (I spent hours yesterday wrestling with the finer machinations of higher end, snobby blogger css coding just trying to sort out something as simple as a failed favicon plugin ) I know, plenty better ways to spend a few precious hours but Im like a dog with a bone.

Speaking of dogs n bones n rewards, I think I managed to sniff out the only bottle of cardaMOM essence in modern existence! It's a little out of date; looking a little like circa 1962, but meh, as the old Indian dude who owned the store said , "is ok...out of date but still berry good, I still use it in the restaurant. shhh". Ive been meaning to make Belgian Waffles' crackfudge for weeks. Something about the combination of cardamon, sea salt and roast almonds...makes me get a bit wobbly. Need to cook but Im in a weird post modern funk (an alternative to busy). Im thinking seriously about whipping up a bunch of arse biscuits to take to work and and maybe some aubergine whatthefuck.


Veggie Gnome said...

Oh, DO! But don't forget the piccies! *LOL*

Jacqueline said...

Anyone who puts arse on a biscuit is a friend of mine! I was wondering what the CardaMOM was all about...hippy perfume? Very funny. Hope you get some baking in that frantic timetable and promise you'll do the bickies.

Laura Jane said...

Mmm, that crackfudge has been sounding tempting eh? Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Hope the coding crap settles down soon.

Waffle said...

Don't make aubergine whatthefuck. Really. It fills you with self-loathing. Arse biscuits are a much better bet.


Roseypekin said...

I'm in exactly the same mood - it sucks - I hope it passes - real soon... I have a full mixing bowl of bikkie mixture on the bench and I can't be arsed cooking the damn things. Might pop a tea towel over the top and try again tomorrow....

Laura Jane said...

ooh. not just a comment but a laugh out loud comment!

Kelly said...

ok, promise not to do aubergine whatthefuck and to trial some arse! ! Crackfudge being made to over consume @ WOMADelaide! I promise! what good is an arse biscuit ithout pics?

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