its both an awful name and a really good one. A Foodland store has just opened in our village and I'm a little shocked at just how bloody excited I am about it. We live in a small village about 20 km from the CBD. Its not quite suburbia, its a little more removed but not quite the country either. As committed loca vore's and small time consumers as we are , there are still things we use a supermarket for and we do travel every fortnight to town to make bulk dry foods and cheesy and some other luxurious purchases.
Now we have a fabulous new stupormarket about 200m from our home and I have to say , its bloody excellent! It opened today and it was packed. Foodland is a locally owned and operated company with a committment to buying local produce. The only other stupor in our town has been woolworths. So, yes, we are pleased. Feedback from the staff I asked in there today was that lots of Mums have been really happy to NOT have to shop at Woolies anymore! Its all about ethical purchasing and fair choices.
We did the full perusal of the store today and I left feeling very, very happy. So many products I buy at local makets when we can make it : crackers, cheese, dairy, meat, oils,eggs all local, all free range or organic. They stock the FULL range of Maggie Beer ice creams ( yes, that dedicated cabinet did knock my socks off) , local free range chicken and pork products from Saskia Beer, artisan cheeses, biodynamic yoghurts, creams, milks, butters, fish, ALL local, local, local. And the dry goods we travel to town for..they stock them too! And the French cheese i cheat with..those too. the cheese counter rivals the cheese stores in the Central markets and what they dont have , they will get for you. Couldn't have asked for more and got more. And not a Macro or Woolies or Homebrand name in sight. All Foodland branded products are guaranteed Australian made and they try to have at least 50% SA made. So, we still get our Food Connect Adelaide box of fruit and veg and will patronise the local small stores for what they offer, but when time and distance make markets problematic, we will make use of these amazing choices when we need to.
Dead impressed.
Happy. It just took a whole load of planning and organisation off my agenda. Local choices made easy. Hope the local Woolies really takes a hit. We need more stores with commitments like these.
Oh, it looks pretty bloody good as well! Signage is almost non existent and the interior lighting really shows some consideration to human nature. Rumor has it that the owners wife made some hard line calls for a very pleasant and minimal aesthetic.
Monday, March 7
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I have never heard someone so excited about the opening of a supermarket, but then you do describe it a a locavore's paradise!
I hope Woolworths go broke in your lovely little village. I have been there, it is crap (the stupormarket, not the village)
Gav x
ridiculous really as the building of it destroyed that lovely street behind the Stirling oval
and moved a perfectly good used bookstore that had been there for at least since 1971 [that's when i came to the district] to an obscure location.
back in the day there were 2 foodstores and one of them [then called Weeks' grocery, now Whoreworths] used still to weigh out goods into brown paper bags [in those early 70s]. AND you could still tie up your pony outside when sent in for supplies by the ancestors.
in that cluster of 3 small towns [Stirling, Bridgewater + ALdgate] there are already at least 4 superthingies. horrible. and superfluous.
apologies for rant but i feel strongly on this subject!!
In a perfect world I'd be
buying cat litter and toilet
paper at the farmers market
(if I wasn't handcrafting
it myself) but who lives in
a perfect world? The Foodland
in Frewville does pretty well.
Do you detect the envy from here?
India- yes, on the other hand i could have written a post on the process of the development, the trickery of the developers, the local anxiety and concerns and my husbands great aversion to it. Partly to though, i know what the original development was supposed to be and that was farkin atrocious - twice the size-compared to whats there now and it was to be a Coles, so in the 'big' scheme of things, Im happy with how its ended up comparatively. Rant away, no worries, :-)
barbara- i had to laugh at the thought of handcrafting your own litter- so refined!
fair comment...the original plan was indeed far worse and involved, from memory, a direct walkway from the mega complex into a pokies den.
thank goodness that one was stomped on!
now, if we could have woolwits removed and turned into a green park....
Now that is exciting!
I hope they do really well. I wish that was my local supermarket.
yes- its actually a bit TOO good- buying bits i wouldn't normally. local, but just too interesting.
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