A 3 hour second stage took me to a place I had never before been in previous births. It was HARD. My contractions stopped completely after his head was born and I had nothing more to push with. His shoulders were stuck in my pelvis and the pain in my lower abdomen was so difficult to manage alongside contractions.

I love this picture of my husband and Jasper. After a very difficult second stage and Jaspers traumatic entry (shoulder distocia requiring Lisa to 'pull him out' and being white and non-responsive and needing resus with mouth to mouth and CPR, it was a relief when he took his first breath. This picture shows the emotion of the moments after his 'transition'.

Here's a picture to lighten the mood. My daughter Lily looking not to sure about the placenta responsibility.
Jasper slept pretty much for 23 hours each day for the first week and has been an absoloute pleasure to parent. No lengthy night time sessions yet, he puts himself to sleep after nighttime feeding ( only one 30 min session) and is a happy little soul. My putting in an order for an angel child this time around has obviously been granted! (this week).