Thursday, September 2

crema di limoncello

Ever wondered what to do with all the lemon zest from making limoncello? I sure as heck have. All that lovely lemony-ness imbued with vodka- what a waste to toss it! I have had all my leftover zest from making this stuff  for the past years, having blitzed it into a crumb like consistency, stored in my freezer for this very day of enlightment. It has come. Crema di limoncello. Hallelujah.


Minni Mum said...

Oooooooh my! I have never thought of chucking my peels into the freezer so now there's nothing for it but to make more limoncello I suppose... wheeee! Thanks for the link.

Laura Jane said...

oooh, do I translate that correctly?

You made limoncello icecream? (swoon)

Kelly said...

- its a brilliant plan!
laura jane- i think thats the next logical step! but no this is just a method of extracting the vodka from the skins- and then making a creamy limoncello milk drink - but your idea is even better- turn that milk into icecream !

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