Saturday, August 21

election day

Fuck. Not ready for another round of conservative, stupid, short sighted elitists leading again. Dismantling this nation piece by piece of its public infrastructure and handing more money to the corporates and ruling classes to determine the way of our future. Nothing clever about them.
Feel sick.


Kerrie said...

Right with you frightened for what we may be waking up to tomorrow morning.

Unknown said...

Ditto. I hope it is a hung parliament and they have to do a deal with the Greens in the lower house.


Veggie Gnome said...

One thing's for sure - the Greens will be doing well. Go Greens! :)

Hey! I had 'foodi' for word verification. :)

Angie said...

fingers crossed for a hung parliament!

Jacqueline said...
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Jacqueline said...

totally agree Kel. Was so pissed off by it I spent the day ripping up bastard grass in the backyard. Looking out the window this morning maybe I went a bit far! Time for some mass plantings. It is so disappointing to think that so many Australians can be taken in by Abbott - who, as Mike Kelly said so well, hasn't the knowledge or imagination to run this country. Have decided to take an optimistic path after listening to the independents yesterday. Perhaps forcing Labor into working with the Greens and Independents will be good for them and for us. If Abbott becomes PM I'm heading to Ashmore Reef for a boat out of here.

Kelly said...

hmmm, well its all very bloody interesting now! a hung parliament and some progressive independents holding the balance of power and the Greens doing their best ever in a Federal election. Looking forward to the week/s ahead. Hope we can all handle it! hehe

Annuska said...

what is that weight loss thing in the middle of this conversation? Is it the new trend of subliminal publicity? lol!!

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